Chapter 2 Reading data into R

2.1 Introduction

If you want to have rabbit stew, first catch the rabbit – Old saying, origin unknown

R is a language and environment for data analysis. If you want to do something interesting with it, you need data.

For teaching purposes, data sets are often embedded in R packages. The base R distribution contains a whole package dedicated to data which includes around 100 data sets. This is attached towards the end of the search path, and you can see its contents with


A description of all of these objects is available using the help() function. For example


gives an explanation of the Titanic data set, along with references giving the source of the data.

The Epi package also contains some data sets. These are not available automatically when you load the Epi package, but you can make a copy in your workspace using the data() function. For example


will create a data frame called bdendo in your workspace containing data from a case-control study of endometrial cancer. Datasets in the Epi package also have help pages: type help(bdendo) for further information.

To go back to the cooking analogy, these data sets are the equivalent of microwave ready meals, carefully packaged and requiring minimal work by the consumer. Your own data will never be able in this form and you must work harder to read it in to R.

This exercise introduces you to the basics of reading external data into R. It consists of reading the same data from different formats. Although this may appear repetitive, it allows you to see the many options available to you, and should allow you to recognize when things go wrong.

getting the data You will need to download the zip file from the course web site ( and unpack this in your working directory. This will create a sub-directory data containing (among other things) the files fem.dat, fem-dot.dat, fem.csv, and fem.dta (Reminder: use setwd() to set your working directory).

2.2 Data sources

Sources of data can be classified into three groups:

  • Data in human readable form, which can be inspected with a text editor.
  • Data in binary format, which can only be read by a program that understands that format (SAS, SPSS, Stata, Excel, …).
  • Online data from a database management system (DBMS)

This exercise will deal with the first two forms of data. Epidemiological data sets are rarely large enough to justify being kept in a DBMS. If you want further details on this topic, you can consult the R Data Import/Export manual that comes with R.

2.3 Data in text files

Human-readable data files are generally kept in a rectangular format, with individual records in single rows and variables in columns. Such data can be read into a data frame in R.

Before reading in the data, you should inspect the file in a text editor and ask three questions:

  • How are columns in the table separated?
  • How are missing values represented?
  • Are variable names included in the file?

The file fem.dat contains data on 118 female psychiatric patients. The data set contains nine variables.

Name Description
ID Patient identifier
AGE Age in years
IQ Intelligence Quotient (IQ) score
ANXIETY Anxiety (1=none, 2=mild, 3=moderate,4=severe)
DEPRESS Depression (1=none, 2=mild, 3=moderate or severe)
SLEEP Sleeping normally (1=yes, 2=no)
SEX Lost interest in sex (1=yes, 2=no)
LIFE Considered suicide (1=yes, 2=no)
WEIGHT Weight change (kg) in previous 6 months

Inspect the file fem.dat with a text editor to answer the questions above.

The most general function for reading in free-format data is read.table(). This function reads a text file and returns a data frame. It tries to guess the correct format of each variable in the data frame (integer, double precision, or text).

Read in the table with:

fem <- read.table("./data/fem.dat", header = TRUE)

Note that you must assign the result of read.table() to an object. If this is not done, the data frame will be printed to the screen and then lost.

You can see the names of the variables with


The structure of the data frame can be seen with


You can also inspect the top few rows with


Note that the IQ of subject 9 is -99, which is an illegal value: nobody can have a negative IQ. In fact -99 has been used in this file to represent a missing value. In R the special value NA (Not Available) is used to represent missing values. All R functions recognize NA values and will handle them appropriately, although sometimes the appropriate response is to stop the calculation with an error message.

You can recode the missing values with

fem$IQ[fem$IQ == -99] <- NA

Of course it is much better to handle special missing value codes when reading in the data. This can be done with the na.strings argument of the read.table() function. See below.

2.4 Things that can go wrong

Sooner or later when reading data into R, you will make a mistake. The frustrating part of reading data into R is that most mistakes are not fatal: they simply cause the function to return a data frame that is not what you wanted. There are three common mistakes, which you should learn to recognize.

2.5 Forgetting the headers

The first row of the file fem.dat contains the variable names. The read.table() function does not assume this by default so you have to specify this with the argument header=TRUE. See what happens when you forget to include this option:

fem2 <- read.table("data/fem.dat")

and compare the resulting data frame with fem. - What are the names of the variables in the data frame? - What is the class of the variables?

Explanation: Remember that read.table() tries to guess the mode of the variables in the text file. Without the header = TRUE option it reads the first row, containing the variable names, as data, and guesses that all the variables are character, not numeric. By default, all character variables are coerced to factors by read.table. The result is a data frame consisting entirely of factors. (You can prevent the conversion of character variables to factors with the argument = TRUE).

If the variable names are not specified in the file, then they are given default names V1, V2, … . You will soon realise this mistake if you try to access a variable in the data frame by, for example


as the variable will not exist

There is one case where omitting the header = TRUE option is harmless (apart from the situation where there is no header line, obviously). When the first row of the file contains one less value than subsequent lines, read.table() infers that the first row contains the variable names, and the first column of every subsequent row contains its row name.

2.6 Using the wrong separator

By default, read.table assumes that data values are separated by any amount of white space. Other possibilities can be specified using the sep argument. See what happens when you assume the wrong separator, in this case a tab, which is specified using the escape sequence "\t"

fem3 <- read.table("data/fem.dat", sep = "\t")
  • How many variables are there in the data set?

Explanation: If you mis-specify the separator, read.table() reads the whole line as a single character variable. Once again, character variables are coerced to factors, so you get a data frame with a single factor variable.

2.7 Mis-specifying the representation of missing values

The file fem-dot.dat contains a version of the FEM dataset in which all missing values are represented with a dot. This is a common way of representing missing values, but is not recognized by default by the read.table() function, which assumes that missing values are represented by NA.

Inspect the file with a text editor, and then see what happens when you read the file in incorrectly:

fem4 <- read.table("data/fem-dot.dat", header = TRUE)

You should have enough clues by now to work out what went wrong.

You can read the data correctly using the na.strings argument

fem4 <- 
    header = TRUE, 
    na.strings = "."

2.8 Spreadsheet data

Spreadsheets have become a common way of exchanging data. All spreadsheet programs can save a single sheet in comma-separated variable (CSV) format, which can then be read into R. There are two functions in R for reading in CSV data: read.csv() and read.csv2().

Both of these are wrappers around the read.table() function, i.e. the read.table() function is still doing the work of reading in the data but the read.csv() function provides default argument values for reading in CSV file so all you need to do is specify the file name.

You can see what these default arguments are with the args() function.


See if you can spot the difference between read.csv and read.csv2.

Explanation: The CSV format is not a single standard. The file format depends on the locale of your computer – the settings that determine how numbers are represented. In some countries, the decimal separator is a point . and the variable separator in a CSV file is a comma ,. In other countries, the decimal separator is a comma , and the variable separator is a semi-colon ;. This is reflected in the different default values for the arguments sep and dec. The read.csv() function is used for the first format and the read.csv2() function is used for the second format.

The file fem.csv contains the FEM dataset in CSV format. Inspect the file to work out which format is used, and read it into R.

2.9 Reading data from the Internet

You can also read in data from a remote web site. The file argument of read.table() does not need to be a local file on your computer; it can be a Uniform Resource Locator (URL), i.e. a web address.

A copy of the file fem.dat is held at ( You can read it in with

fem6 <- 
    header = TRUE

2.10 Reading from the clipboard

On Microsoft Windows, you can copy values directly from an open Excel spreadsheet using the clipboard. Highlight the cells you want to copy in the spread sheet and select copy from the pull-down edit menu. Then type read.table(file = "clipboard") to read the data in.

There are two reasons why this is a bad idea

  • It is not reproducible. In order to read the data in again you need to complete exactly the same sequence of mouse moves and clicks, and there is no record of what you did before.
  • Copying from the clipboard loses precision. If you have a value 1.23456789 in your spreadsheet, but have formatted the cell so it is displayed to two decimal places, then the value read into R will be the truncated value 1.23.

2.11 Binary data

The foreign package allows you to read data in binary formats used by other statistical packages. Since R is an open source project, it can only read binary formats that are themselves open, in the sense that the standards for reading and writing data are well-documented. For example, there is a function in the foreign package for reading SAS XPORT files, a format that has been adopted as a standard by the US Food and Drug Administration (( However, there is no function in the foreign package for reading native SAS binaries (SAS7BDAT files). Other packages are available from CRAN (( that offer the possibility of reading SAS binary files: see the haven and sas7bdat packages.

The file fem.dta contains the FEM dataset in the format used by Stata. Read it into R with

fem5 <- read.dta("data/fem.dta")

The Stata data set contains value and variable labels. Stata variables with value labels are automatically converted to factors.

There is no equivalent of variable labels in an R data frame, but the original variable labels are not lost. They are still attached to the data frame as an invisible attribute, which you can see with

attr(fem5, "var.labels")

A lot of meta-data is attached to the data in the form of attributes. You can see the whole list of attributes with


or just the attribute names with


The read.dta() function can only read data from Stata versions 5–12. The R Core Team has not been able to keep up with changes in the Stata format. You may wish to try the haven package and the readstata13 package, both available from CRAN.

2.12 Summary

In this exercise we have seen how to create a data frame in R from an external text file. We have also reviewed some common mistakes that result in garbled data.

The capabilities of the foreign package for reading binary data have also been demonstrated with a sample Stata data set.